Phone: (530) 591-3742

Recovery Homeshare FAQs

You can fill out our online application here.

If you would like assistance with the application contact (530) 591-3742.

Home Provider Applicants Must:

  • Be over 18
  • If sharing space, agree to a background check for all adults in the home.
  • Have a basic home safety inspection performed when you sign up for the program.
  • Complete a brief online training to understand Psychological First Aid.
  • Be in good communication with Home & Heart staff throughout the homeshare.


Guest Applicants Must:

  • Be over 18.
  • Agree to a background check for all adult participants in the program to confirm no criminal history or pending charges of crimes against people or property.
  • Proof of disaster. Acceptable proof can include FEMA numbers, insurance claims, proof of address within a known disaster area, or other documentation that can be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Be in good communication with Home & Heart staff throughout the homeshare.

Guests can stay with a Recovery Home Provider for a maximum of 29 days.

Guests will receive support from Home & Heart staff throughout the homeshare to make an appropriate transition plan for the end of their 29 day stay.

If the Home Provider(s) and Guest(s) would like to continue their homeshare past 29 days, Home & Heart staff will facilitate a more long term homeshare.

  1. Both home providers and guests will answer a series of application questions. These questions include details about the types of needed/available accommodations, as well as information about special needs, pets, children, etc. Application data is stored in a database.
  2. When someone applies for a temporary post-disaster homeshare, Home & Heart staff use application data to search our database to find potential matches.
  3. Once we have confirmed potential matches are ready, willing, and able to receive a guest, we confirm the option with the guest applicant and make arrangements for their arrival.

A ‘disaster’ in this program is defined as any sudden event that creates unsafe or unsanitary conditions that displaces someone from their home. This can include fires, floods, dry wells, public safety power shutoffs, mold, and extreme climate events.

You may use our online application here.

You will provide details about the accommodations you can offer.

In order to be matched, volunteer home providers must pass a home safety inspection conducted by Home & Heart staff. Home providers must also complete a short basic training on mental health first aid to help recognize and address potential stressors that may arise during the stay.

Through data-driven matches, upfront training, and a limited stay for guests, we hope the vast majority of potential issues can be avoided.

In the cases where there is a conflict, Home & Heart staff and our volunteer partners are available to provide proactive support for all parties in the match, including conflict mediation and a relocation plan if absolutely needed.

No, guests in the Recovery Homeshare program do not pay home providers with rent or service exchange.

If interested in a longer-term match with rent/service agreements, both guests and providers can speak to Home & Heart staff about applying for the regular homeshare program.